Eagle Store
Our Eagle store is open every other Friday. Students earn tickets by showing positive behavior. They can spend their earnings at the store! We offer things our students want to earn and that are donated by the Liberty community. If you would like to donate, please send your donation into school with a note that says: VTSS Attention: Atkins, or see our online wish list.
***If you would like to help out, we are looking for parents to work the store! Please contact Lisa Atkins via email if you can help reward our kids at our store days the store is open form 11:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
What is VTSS?
The main focus of Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS) is to use data to make informed decisions for establishing the academic, behavioral and social-emotional supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students at Liberty Middle School. Through VTSS, we will work together to create and maintain a productive, safe environment in which ALL school community members clearly understand the shared expectations for behavior. We believe that through the implementation of the VTSS systems and strategies, we will increase student academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish a positive school climate. VTSS methods are research-based and have been proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school.
How does it work?
As part of Liberty’s school-wide plan, all faculty will use a ticket system to reinforce our students’ behavior choices throughout the day. Behaviors are specified on the school wide behavior matrix:

- Faculty will reinforce a variety of positive behaviors by giving the student a ticket along with behavior specific verbal praise. For example, “I liked how you raised your hand and waited to be called on.” or “I noticed that you were having trouble with that math problem but you didn’t give up!”. When students receive a ticket they will write their name on the back and keep it.
- Students will store their own tickets.
- In order to encourage on task behavior throughout a given day, any staff member can give tickets to students who are exhibiting LMS behavior.
- Students will bring their tickets to the LMS store every other Friday to redeem for items or privileges during their lunch block.
L.M.S. Awards
During team meetings once a month each team will choose students who show each of the character’s of lead, motive, soar. Teachers and staff members will nominate three students a month per pod, one for each character. From the nominations three students will be chosen and awarded with Eagle bucks and a certificate. Winners will be read on the morning announcements and in the newsletter.
Character Awards
Three students per grade level will be chosen at the end of each year for demonstrating outstanding L.M.S. behavior.
Lisa Atkins, VTSS Coach
Phone: (804) 365-8060