
Welcome to the Library sign above the double doors

Welcome to the Liberty Middle School Library - your school information center.

We believe that with diligence and access to the right tools, everybody can succeed. Today's students live in an information-rich age where technology and the internet have drastically changed the mission of the modern school library. Liberty Middle School students utilize library collections to support their curricular needs and broader interests and to develop critical thinking skills necessary for success at school and beyond.

Our mission is to support students in their learning experiences and to provide equitable access to literacy and opportunities for all to become lifelong learners.

Hours of Operation

Bookshelves set up for the Scholastic Book Fair

The LMS Library is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Research Databases

The Liberty Middle School Library offers a variety of online research databases for students.

Reading Olympians

The Reading Olympian program for middle schools is a continuation of the Reading Olympics program that our HCPS elementary schools have successfully sponsored for many years. Reading Olympians are organized into competitive teams. Each team works with an adult coach to read books from our designated list between August and December. A school tournament then takes place, and the top four teams from each middle school advance to compete in our county competition.

2023-24 Middle School Reading Olympians Book List

Button maker setup at the library

Policies & Procedures

Loan Policies:

  • Students may check out up to three school library items at a time for a period of two weeks (10 school days).

  • Only students enrolled in the Reading Olympian program may check out the reserved Reading Olympian titles. Those students may only check out one Reading Olympian title at a time to ensure that all participants have access to titles. This counts towards the three-item limit.

  • Glow in the dark reading time
  • If a student has an overdue, missing, or damaged beyond repair item, they may only check out one new book until the account is clear. Students must bring items into the school library to renew them rather than renewing online or over the phone.

  • Students will not be charged fines for overdue books.  

Lost or Damaged Books:

  • A charge will be assigned for a missing, lost, or damaged beyond repair books checked out under that student's name. The fee for missing or damaged books varies and is based upon the replacement cost of the book that is indicated in the Destiny (school library catalog) record. 

  • Poster that says Be You
  • Students may pay lost book fees via Hanover County Public Schools Online School Management Portal (OSMS) or by bringing in cash or a check made out to Liberty Middle School. No refunds will be given for books that are found after payment is made.


Phone: (804) 365-8086
Fax: (804) 723-8061

The impact of reading 20 minutes per day chart

Here's the impact of reading 20 minutes per day.

A student who reads 20 minutes per day will be exposed to 1.8 million words per year and scores in 90th percentile on standardized tests.

A student who reads 5 minutes per day will be exposed to 282,000 words per year and scores in 50th percentile on standardized tests.

A student who reads 1 minute per day will be exposed to 8,000 weds per year and scores in 10th percentile on standardized tests.

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