Welcome to the LMS Clinic. In the LMS Clinic, we are fully committed to the health of our students. Our health services staff looks after each student’s physical and mental well being while on our campus. If our school nurse, Shelly Burke, can be of help, please do not hesitate to call her at (804) 365-8078.
Always update the clinic emergency cards with any new medical information or changes in phone numbers. You may also call with these changes as well.
Please access and print forms at the bottom of the division Health Services page.
The following forms may be picked up from the clinic or requested from Shelly Burke:
- Memorandum of Understanding for Private Duty Nurse
- Release of Medical Information
- Medically Fragile Health Services Plan
- Medical Procedure Order Form
- We will call you to pick up your student for a temperature of 100° F or higher.
- Students with a temperature 100° F or higher will not be allowed to return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol, or Advil.
- Be aware that some combination cold medications contain these ingredients.
- Please resist the temptation to give acetaminophen or ibuprofen, send your student off, and cross your fingers. The fever may be reduced, but their contagiousness will not be.
A medication administration form must be completed for each medication and signed by a parent/guardian annually and immediately if changes occur.
- ALL MEDICATIONS must be brought to the school by a parent/guardian.
- Prescription medication must in the ORIGINAL container supplied by the pharmacy. Many pharmacies will provide a “school bottle” for prescription medications. Just ask the pharmacist.
- Medication labels must contain the student’s name, the name of the medication, directions for use and fill date. Physician’s order and medication labels must agree.
- ANY medication given more than 10 consecutive school days must be authorized by a physician in writing (including non-prescription medication). The prescription label on the bottle will be accepted as the physician’s order for those medications given for less than ten consecutive school days.
- Non-prescription medication must be in the original manufacturer’s container.
- No medications will be accepted in a baggie or an unlabeled bottle.
- A parent or guardian must bring all medication (prescription and over-the-counter) to be administered to a student to the clinic.
- In order for medication to be administered, parents/guardians must request the “Permission to Administer Medication” form from the school nurse.
Epi-Pens & Inhalers
Students are allowed to carry inhalers and epi-pens if a written order is received from the physician stating they may do so.
Cough Drops
Cough drops are allowed if brought in by a parent/guardian and a medication administration form is signed by a parent.
Please encourage your child to eat before coming to school or eat breakfast in the cafeteria. The clinic DOES NOT have snacks.
Health Screenings
Health screenings are conducted each year as a free service to Hanover County students. This is done to identify any physical problems which may impact their ability to learn. 10th graders are screened for vision and hearing. If your child has an abnormal screening, a letter will be sent home indicating the need to follow up with your family physician.