Welcome to another year of athletics for Liberty Middle School. Here are some helpful tips when trying out for sports:
- Tryouts are open to all LMS students.
- Please remember if a student wants to try out for a sport, he/she must turn in a completed sports physical. We encourage students to turn in their sports physical prior to the first day of tryouts.
- Students who do not have a completed sports physical will not be allowed to tryout and should not stay after school for tryouts.
- Sometimes weather conditions force the cancellation of tryouts or practices. Please discuss with your student on how they will go home if tryouts/practices are canceled in advance. Example: If tryouts are canceled, you will ride the bus home. We will announce any cancellations via e-connect. Parents are also welcome to call the main office. We try to make every effort to make decisions by 2:30 p.m. each day.
- When picking up your child from tryouts, please park in the parking lot near the gym. do not park in the bus loop. We have buses that need access to the bus loop as well as the fire lane must remain clear.
- The activity bus will be running every day. Please refer to the activity bus schedule attachment for specific bus numbers, times, and locations.
Please keep an eye out for how to join our Liberty Athletics page on Schoology where you can look at game schedules, cancellations, and other great sports-related information.
Go Eagles!
Interscholastic Teams
We offer interscholastic team opportunities every season to:
- Safeguard the health and general welfare of the participants in the athletics program.
- Provide opportunities for the largest possible group (number of students) to participate while ensuring the quality of the instruction and the safety of the athletes, within the limits of the appropriate supervision and facility usage.
- Develop basic skills and continue previous skill development in physical activities that will serve the participant's present and future leisure time needs.
- Establish and teach high standards of sportsmanship and the principles of fair play and mutual respect, which cultivate friendly relations at school.
- Ensure that the activities sponsored are desirable; that they promote the concepts of team play as well as individual worth; that they emphasize healthy competition in which lessons are learned from both the winning and losing perspectives; and that they have educational value.
Liberty Sports
Whether it is the snap of the football, the swoosh of the basket, or for the rush of the run, get in the game! Please join our Schoology page for Liberty Athletics for the most updated information concerning schedule changes and other sports related information. The join code is FJXJ8-7JPMN.
- Football
- Girls Basketball
- Girls Tennis
- Boys Soccer
- Cheerleading
- Boys Basketball
- Wrestling
- Gymnastics
- Cheerleading
- Baseball
- Softball
- Track
- Girls Soccer
- Boys Tennis
Student-athletes must meet the following requirements in order to participate:
Academic Performance
- For first semester sports, students must be promoted from the previous school year according to HCPS policy 6-4.3.
- Sixth graders are eligible for first semester sports with promotion from the fifth grade.
- Seventh graders shall be eligible for promotion into the seventh grade if they receive passing yearly averages in at least four of the following required subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health/physical education.
- Eighth graders shall be eligible for promotion into the eighth grade if they receive passing yearly averages in at least four of the following required subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health/physical education AND if they receive a passing grade in the equivalent of one full year of elective offering(s).
- For second semester sports, students must have passed five subjects (language arts, math, and three others) at the end of the first semester of the current school year. This requirement is for all grade levels.
Physical Form
All students must complete and submit a physical form to try out for any school sports.
- Students may not stay after school to observe practices while waiting to get a physical. Only students who have a completed physical may stay after school for tryouts.
- Students may pick up physical forms in the main office or download one from this page. Parents and students are responsible for reading the eligibility requirements for participation and for having the physical form completed.
- Contact Matt Bobbitt with any questions concerning athletics.
Student Spectators
Students are not allowed to stay after school to attend school sporting events but are allowed to return with an adult. While we love to have students at our sporting events, we do not have adequate supervision for students between the time school is dismissed and when our sporting events begin.